Babies and children

From the moment of birth your baby becomes central to your world, and more than anything you want him/her to become mobile and verbal and to learn in the delightful way that babies and children do.

Feldenkrais makes use of the brains natural capacity for learning and for increasing human potential at any age. It is valuable for all children, for those who are musicians and athletes, and also for those with neurological, learning or developmental difficulties. Children (including teenagers) find it gentle and dynamic and develop tools for lifelong learning.

It is natural for a child to be curious, comfortable in his/her body, explore and learn.  Feldenkrais works with the child and together they build bridges in the body and brain, and unearth potential where this natural process may be uninhibited.  Feldenkrais works practically and successfully with early childhood developmental milestones and movement.

Feldenkrais practitioners typically work with babies, children and teenagers with these issues:

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Performance concerns (music and sports)

  • Balance issues

  • Eye problems

  • Feet and walking issues

  • Learning difficulties/ADHD /dyslexia

  • Difficult births and fussy babies

  • Developmental delay and slow to progress

  • Autism

  • Stroke and brain injury

  • Low tone

  • Genetic disorders (Downs Syndrome for example)

  • Hip dysplasia





