Personal Details

Alan Cameron

027 697 3854;

My chronic migraine headaches at age of 47 threatened continuation of my academic career. The Feldenkrais Method® restored my health to enable continuation of my academic work while developing my Feldenkrais® practise. Now in my 70s, this method of somatic education continues to enhances all of my work and leisure activities without suffering mobility issues experienced by many of my age. I have been a full Feldenkrais® practitioner for over 14 years and have taught class lessons for over 15 years. I particularly like to help people who are struggling to walk, garden or do any daily activity as they age. I've helped people to improve who are suffering in the workplace, office or worksite as well those engaged in musical, sport or other performance and leisure activities. For inquiries about a class beginning soon and for individual sessions contact me on 027 697 3854 by text or phone call, or email. Qualifications : LLB (Hons), LLM (Hons), NZ Feldenkrais Professional Training Programe (NZFTP 3, 2010 Wellington),

Individual Session Details

80 Duthie St, Karori, Wellington 6012, New Zealand
Individual sessions in my home studio. By appointment only.