Personal Details

Maggie Harper

021 294 9245;

I have a background in the performing arts as an actress, and prior to that as a dancer. I had a lot of back pain while I was a dancer and the discovery of the Feldenkrais Method in 1990 changed this along with reducing my stress enormously. I trained in massage initially, then discovered the Feldenkrais Method where I could address the habits and tensions that caused pain in the first place. Alongside my performing career I have always been interested in health and wellbeing, particularly the relationship between body and mind, and have practised meditation and yoga for many years. I have taught individuals and public classes in somatic education for over 28 years and have been a Feldenkrais teacher and Practitioner for 20 years. I have also been a counsellor for 14 years, and this informs my work particularly when working with people with trauma and anxiety. Clients include performing artists, athletes, business people; people with pain and postural difficulties, and people with anxiety, and stress and trauma histories. It is a joy working with people in a respectful and explorative way and seeing the changes as people reengage with themselves on all levels. I have a private practice in Westmere, Auckland, where I see clients individually for counselling and Feldenkrais® sessions.

Individual Session Details

47A Livingstone Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Individual sessions /Functional Integration available Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm. Cost $120. Negotiable for low income